Advans Tunisie inaugurates its new eco-friendly head office

On 1 October Advans Tunisie welcomed different representatives from financial institutions, partners, board members and staff from across Advans’ African affiliates and the media to the official opening ceremony of its brand new head office in the north of Tunis. The new headquarters was inaugurated by Marouane El Abassi, Governor of the Central Bank and  Ridha Chalghoum, Tunisia’s Finance Minister. Some of Advans Tunisie’s 16,000 clients also joined in the event, presenting their businesses and telling participants about the support they have received from Advans Tunisie.

Speaking at the event, Mr El Abassi said: “Today, financial inclusion is a necessity, because any growth which is not inclusive can only create problems.” Brieuc Cardon, Advans Tunisie’s CEO, underlined that for Advans Tunisie "digitalising procedures and the customer experience for improved services" is essential in order to have greater impact on financial inclusion in Tunisia. The institution’s development strategy for the years to come will focus on combining new technologies and a client centric approach, enabling the MFI to achieve its ambitious goal of serving 40,000 clients by 2023.

The new eco-friendly head office also reflects Advans Tunisie’s commitment to innovating in terms of responsible practices, with the company implementing three new initiatives to save energy, recycle waste and save paper.